Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Government Should Make a Better Healthcare System

Many immigrants come to America to live in their American dreams. But now, the dreams won't be fulfilled anymore because there are many problems in our system. One thing the government should do in this country is to reform health-care system to become better quality and better efficiency. Here is what I think what we should do to make this system better.

As we all know, some places especially the places where they accept medical assistance programs usually make people wait too many days before they get to see the doctors. This can miss the best time for the patients to get treatments. So the government should open more walk-in places for low income people to improve this.

This is what I think is absolutely insane in this country is the cost of heath-care even with insurance. If anyone ever walks into an emergency room. Then it will end up with this person will live in a life of paying the hospital bills in the next a few years. For a simple problem, you will walk out from the emergency room with a few thousands dollars bill if you don't have insurance. For surgeries, it will be even more. There are many people out there with bad credit records because they couldn't pay back their hospital bills. It really can be too much for may people. Many hospitals are run by the government, so why can't the government reduce the cost even after insurance?

Insurance buyers should decide whether they would buy insurance or not, not the companies they work for. Because many people live a very healthy life style and don't get sick often. It is unfair that they have to pay the high premium each month from their salary. 

I believe by improving the health-care system. It will benefits the average citizen's life even the American economy. There perhaps won't be so many homeless people lined up in the emergency room waiting to be treated. According to the article "How to build a better health-care system" on the opinion page of The Washington Post, " through thoughtful policy, health-care practitioners can be encouraged through rewards to focus far more on what is best for their patients and less on the number of tests and procedures they can order. The even better news is such a health-care vision can not only produce better care but also cost less." This indicates that a better health-care system will actually can reduce the cost. 

1 comment:

Angelica Nyoman said...

On Wednesday April 1st, 2015 Guangqing Zhang wrote a blog titled “The Government should make a better Healthcare System.” In this blog her overall argument was that the government should reform the health-care system in order to become more efficient and improve quality for all US citizens. Guangqing then suggests different ways to make the healthcare system better. She first states that the government should offer more walk-in places for low income people because patients are usually told to wait multiple days with or without insurance until the doctors can start their procedures and examinations.

Guangqing also brings up a good point, even with health insurance the amount of time it takes to pay off a medical bill can possibly take years to pay off. Have you ever gone to the emergency room? The bill is not cheap. This leads to another question “Why can’t the government reduce the cost even after insurance?” This makes a lot of sense; we are paying high premiums every month for health insurance. Why can’t those fees be discounted for insured citizens? She believes that citizens should be able to have a say whether or not they want to be insured or not because there are plenty of people in America that live healthy lives and don’t necessary want insurance.

Towards the end of her blog she then refers to The Washington post article titled “How to build a better healthcare system,” which basically says that healthcare practitioners can work though payment incentives. Practitioners can be rewarded by providing the best quality care possible for their patients, rather than cash in on the number of excessive tests and procedures they can set up. This can lead to a healthcare vision that can provide exceptional care for patients, reward practitioners for exceptional work, but also cost less with fewer unnecessary procedures.

Overall, I agree with her reasoning for a more efficient and better quality healthcare system. Citizens have to pay a lot in general in order to live the American dream. We have to pay taxes, social security, transportation, living cost and so much more. It would be nice to have health insurance discounted, because we should not have to pay more for our OWN health.