Friday, April 17, 2015

What could happen after having free childcare?

On Tuesday, April 2,2015, Shantae Gordon posted an article Free Childcare For All on her blog talks about why should the country make the childcare free. She mentions that "If the government put more money into childcare this would help to eliminate other issues such as unemployment, poverty and the high need for TANF and SNAP assistance." I personally agree with her, because  a lot of parents especially mothers couldn't go to work because of having kids at home to take care of. This situation can cause a lot of problems.

Childcare place usually cost a lot, so a lot of mothers would give up their jobs to stay home taking care of their children. Then, some of them would think that since they already have no jobs and staying home, why not having more kids? So they would keep having new babies, and this lead to some people like that would just stay home watching TV while watching their children. Because of less of income and more kids, they would easily get assistance from the government. And also each child wouldn't get the best care and education and the families usually under a lot of stress. There are people out there complain about why do they have to work so hard to pay so much taxes to the government so that the government can help the low income people who have a lot of kids. I believe a lot of times, it is not because these people are lazy and don't want to work, it perhaps because of that the money they make from working is even less than the cost they have to pay for the childcare. On another hand, this issue also lead to gender issue, because female usually give up social activities and jobs in order to taking care of the children. At some point, this can cause a lot of family problems. Also, as the divorce rate getting higher and higher, there are more and more single parents.  Lingering between jobs and taking care of the kids has become a big issue for these single parents, contributing to the gap between the rich and the poor. 

So by free childcare, there would be more and more staying home mothers can go to work, there would be less and less families need assistance from the government. This would help with having a better quality of life and society. 

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