Thursday, April 30, 2015

Technology VS Income Inequality

As we all know, after having computers, technology has been growing very fast. Right now, we have 3D printers can print most things in a very short time. Self-driving cars will soon reduce the needs of public transportation after they become popular for most people. Robotics are been building to become more and more humanized to get ready to serve people. Self-pay has started been used in many stores. Just a simple scan can let you walk out the grocery store instead of waiting in a long line for checking out. Have you ever think about do some technology like these will reduce jobs in the future? Does this will increase the income inequality?

I think nowadays, the social benefits haven't become well enough for us to have all these technologies such as "blue-collar robots" and so on. Because it would reduce jobs and widen the income gap. There is a article People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots on Business Insider about what Bill Gates commented that,“Software substitution, whether it's for drivers or waiters or nurses's processing. ...Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. ...20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don't think people have that in their mental model." It is happening that many technology based machines will replace human labors. I just think government would need to regulate the use of these technologies while the society is still not wealthy enough to have those. For instance, If every store starts to use self-pay, then there would be so many people who work in stores lose their jobs. Same as self-driving cars, there would be many taxi drivers lose their jobs if self-driving cars are been used everywhere. And when there are more and more blue-collar workers losing their jobs, there would be more and more people need government assistance. This would widen the income gap more and more.

Technology has been helping with the society in many ways. Its growing and replacing human labors can not be stopped. I think the government would need to have strict rules for the use of some technologies when the society is not ready. Otherwise it would probably brings chaos. 

1 comment:

America, The Great Place said...

On Thursday, April 30, 2015, Guangqing Zhang wrote an article on The Government of People called, “Technology VS Income inequality.” Guangqing’s article expresses how rapidly technology is growing and how innovations of robotics will reduce jobs in our society overtime. I agree with Guangqing when she states that the government should take more measures in regulating robotic inventions. Robots can be beneficial to society in many ways, but it also could be a disadvantage to the nations workforce. Overall, robots could be a catastrophe not only to the nation’s workforce, but also to our entire society.

I came across an article on Daily Mail that explains how robots will soon replace 25 percent of US jobs in the year 2025. As a result, millions of people could lose their jobs. The article also inquires if the American people should fear artificial intelligence. Two intelligent men named Stephen Hawk and Elon Musk expressed potential danger of robots if sufficient safeguards ARE NOT put in place. If not, “mankind could be heading to a dark future.”

I enjoyed reading Guangqing’s article because I believe people are not knowledgeable or aware of innovative technology such as robotics and how it can affect our society in many ways. Millions of people could lose their jobs, which could trigger protests and riots. Some say, “In the long term, it could have the potential to play out like a fictional dystopias in which intelligence greater than humans could begin acting against their programming.” Before you know it, the Americans could initiate a war like the movie “i,Robot.”