Friday, March 13, 2015

We are born differently but equally

The blog entry on titled Further thoughts on whether one must be 
radical to be gay on Jul 09, 2014 by Becca Mom, explores the interesting topic that being homosexual no longer being considered ‘radical’ is a good thing and should be embraced. I see the author’s target audience as anyone with an open mind, young or old, gay or straight.  And she is certainly credible. She is a professional writer and poet.  She also had a decade career in technical writing and consulting before she went to live in India. Speaking from experiencing a lesbian in India where homosexuality is illegal so she had to hide her relationship with her partner as ‘mother and daughter’. She also writes in this blog that not many years ago, the announcement of being a gay is the end of the old life, friends, career, or even families.  People back then would treat gay people as having mental illness which they would be taken to mental hospitals to have mental horrific treatment like ECT and insulin shock. At that kind of situation, being radical out there as a gay perhaps was the only way of living. But for those people, no body wants to be radical. They are just like us, wanting to have ordinary life and setting down with the love ones.

I agree with the author’s claim that the LBGT community cannot afford to romanticize the radical nature of being homosexual the way it was in the past. The fact that being gay is more normal today is an incredible progress and as such, it naturally comes with less excitement. The author cites an excellent example to support her claim. In a rural South Carolina town, the lesbian police chief was reinstated because the general populace supported her over the homophobic mayor. This example shows that if members of the LGBT community are leading normal, non-radical lives, they are more likely to be accepted and supported by their neighbors. The author reinforces her point with the analogy that romanticizing about the radical days of being gay "is like being in a war and saying, ‘I really miss the bomb-dropping part – that was exciting. I know we won and all, but I wish it hadn’t ended. This peaceful rebuilding part is boring.'"This analogy makes the excellent point that being gay is not as exciting as it used to be is a good thing because this means it is more peaceful for the LGBT community.

Based on the author’s evidence, logic, and credibility, I agree with her that a new ordinary nature of homosexuality needs to be promoted in order to continue gain acceptance of the general population.

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