Monday, February 23, 2015

What should the country do about immigration?

"A Judge's Assault on Immigration" on The Opinion Pages of The New York Times by The Editorial Board on Feb 17, 2015 states that how federal district judge Andrew Hanen tries to go against president Obama's actions to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. Judge Hanen opposes to this new immigration policy by first saying "it endangers America". Then he says this new policy will cost a lot of resources in providing things like drivers' licenses, and that the states already spend a lot of money on educating each illegal child.

The New York Times is an international influential daily newspaper which provides a large amount of very creditable news around the world. The author intends to write this article on it to all the people in America to claim the issue that "the Republicans seem to want only to savage the president's efforts to address a pressing nationwide crisis, just as they have on health care reform. They are good at unleashing rage against Mr. Obama's supposed lawlessness, but they have no meaningful solutions of their own." The author states this claim by showing the evidence from the health care reform where Democrats tend to want the health care available for all the people by passing Obamacare, but the Republicans oppose this act on the belief that these programs will drive up the prices and have a negative impact on the quality of health care. The author thinks that the Republicans only know how to oppose the president's actions instead of coming up with solutions to solve problems. The argument on this issue is logical because the author mentions in the article that the constitution already requires states to provide that education. Also the government cannot possibly apprehend and deport all of the illegal immigrants. It will help the economy to help these undocumented immigrants legally work in America. 

I agree with the author's argument, not because I am also an immigrant, but because America already spend a lot of resources on some unnecessary things. We should help the undocumented immigrants legally work here to provide the next generations of Americans better education and a better life.

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