Thursday, April 30, 2015

Technology VS Income Inequality

As we all know, after having computers, technology has been growing very fast. Right now, we have 3D printers can print most things in a very short time. Self-driving cars will soon reduce the needs of public transportation after they become popular for most people. Robotics are been building to become more and more humanized to get ready to serve people. Self-pay has started been used in many stores. Just a simple scan can let you walk out the grocery store instead of waiting in a long line for checking out. Have you ever think about do some technology like these will reduce jobs in the future? Does this will increase the income inequality?

I think nowadays, the social benefits haven't become well enough for us to have all these technologies such as "blue-collar robots" and so on. Because it would reduce jobs and widen the income gap. There is a article People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots on Business Insider about what Bill Gates commented that,“Software substitution, whether it's for drivers or waiters or nurses's processing. ...Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. ...20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don't think people have that in their mental model." It is happening that many technology based machines will replace human labors. I just think government would need to regulate the use of these technologies while the society is still not wealthy enough to have those. For instance, If every store starts to use self-pay, then there would be so many people who work in stores lose their jobs. Same as self-driving cars, there would be many taxi drivers lose their jobs if self-driving cars are been used everywhere. And when there are more and more blue-collar workers losing their jobs, there would be more and more people need government assistance. This would widen the income gap more and more.

Technology has been helping with the society in many ways. Its growing and replacing human labors can not be stopped. I think the government would need to have strict rules for the use of some technologies when the society is not ready. Otherwise it would probably brings chaos. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

What could happen after having free childcare?

On Tuesday, April 2,2015, Shantae Gordon posted an article Free Childcare For All on her blog talks about why should the country make the childcare free. She mentions that "If the government put more money into childcare this would help to eliminate other issues such as unemployment, poverty and the high need for TANF and SNAP assistance." I personally agree with her, because  a lot of parents especially mothers couldn't go to work because of having kids at home to take care of. This situation can cause a lot of problems.

Childcare place usually cost a lot, so a lot of mothers would give up their jobs to stay home taking care of their children. Then, some of them would think that since they already have no jobs and staying home, why not having more kids? So they would keep having new babies, and this lead to some people like that would just stay home watching TV while watching their children. Because of less of income and more kids, they would easily get assistance from the government. And also each child wouldn't get the best care and education and the families usually under a lot of stress. There are people out there complain about why do they have to work so hard to pay so much taxes to the government so that the government can help the low income people who have a lot of kids. I believe a lot of times, it is not because these people are lazy and don't want to work, it perhaps because of that the money they make from working is even less than the cost they have to pay for the childcare. On another hand, this issue also lead to gender issue, because female usually give up social activities and jobs in order to taking care of the children. At some point, this can cause a lot of family problems. Also, as the divorce rate getting higher and higher, there are more and more single parents.  Lingering between jobs and taking care of the kids has become a big issue for these single parents, contributing to the gap between the rich and the poor. 

So by free childcare, there would be more and more staying home mothers can go to work, there would be less and less families need assistance from the government. This would help with having a better quality of life and society. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Government Should Make a Better Healthcare System

Many immigrants come to America to live in their American dreams. But now, the dreams won't be fulfilled anymore because there are many problems in our system. One thing the government should do in this country is to reform health-care system to become better quality and better efficiency. Here is what I think what we should do to make this system better.

As we all know, some places especially the places where they accept medical assistance programs usually make people wait too many days before they get to see the doctors. This can miss the best time for the patients to get treatments. So the government should open more walk-in places for low income people to improve this.

This is what I think is absolutely insane in this country is the cost of heath-care even with insurance. If anyone ever walks into an emergency room. Then it will end up with this person will live in a life of paying the hospital bills in the next a few years. For a simple problem, you will walk out from the emergency room with a few thousands dollars bill if you don't have insurance. For surgeries, it will be even more. There are many people out there with bad credit records because they couldn't pay back their hospital bills. It really can be too much for may people. Many hospitals are run by the government, so why can't the government reduce the cost even after insurance?

Insurance buyers should decide whether they would buy insurance or not, not the companies they work for. Because many people live a very healthy life style and don't get sick often. It is unfair that they have to pay the high premium each month from their salary. 

I believe by improving the health-care system. It will benefits the average citizen's life even the American economy. There perhaps won't be so many homeless people lined up in the emergency room waiting to be treated. According to the article "How to build a better health-care system" on the opinion page of The Washington Post, " through thoughtful policy, health-care practitioners can be encouraged through rewards to focus far more on what is best for their patients and less on the number of tests and procedures they can order. The even better news is such a health-care vision can not only produce better care but also cost less." This indicates that a better health-care system will actually can reduce the cost.