Thursday, May 14, 2015

Education, a serious business

On Friday, May 1,2015, my classmate posted an article  Education as a Business on the blog Government: For Us or Against Us. In this article, the author argued that, "Children are the doors for our worlds improvement but teachers are the doorknobs. You can't open the door without turning the doorknob and that is exactly why teachers need to get appraisal that they deserve. " I agree with the author's opinion because that Education is what can really change the society. And what can really makes education better is to improve the system.

I found myself very surprised with the facts that, in the United States, teachers' average salaries are lower than a lot of other types of jobs. I think teachers should be treated like engineers. They are the engineers for human. That is why I also agree with the author's idea which is that teachers should be awarded when they spend more time on the students and have more students. Teaching is a hard job, and when their hard works been seen and appreciated. It would encourage the teachers to make even more efforts on teaching the students. And who benefits from this the most is the society. Better education means there would be more better quality students ready to serve the society. 

Education is the fundamental branch of a lot of other branches. A good society needs a good education system. So the country should make more efforts on making the education system better by treating the teachers of what they should deserve.